I have always had doubts about New Year Resolutions. Still, like most of us, I have played the game. It was like lottery, it felt good to dream about loosing weight, gaining serenity or spending more time with my family. The feeling of hope was enough to nourish me and there was no reason to expect more.
My doubts vanished when I realized that we can truly create a new future through language.
When our resolution becomes a true commitment and when this commitment is embodied and connected to what we care about, we can find the energy to step out of our habits and create the life we want.
Nowadays, I use the following framework to clarify my New Year commitment and to really make it happen:
For 2018, I am committed to...
This is important for me because...
I know I will be there when I will do..., when I will feel..., when people will say....
The major obstacle between me and my commitment is...
The actions I need to take to move toward my commitment are ... I will do it by the end of...
To support my new habits, my daily practice is ...
My two committed listeners are ...
Practices and committed listeners are key for reaching your commitment. The first ones will help you embody the quality or skill, the second ones will both support you and keep you focused when you slip or give-up.
My commitment for 2018 is
Lead my life through love rather than fear so I can help myself and others live a meaningful and peaceful life.
Through my daily morning practice, I will enhance my presence and the connection with my commitment. As a father, husband, friend, coach or recruiter, I will explore 4 aspects of true love (loving kindness, compassion, joy and understanding) to clarify my own personal way of sharing love. And I will spend more time with people whose aim is to share their love for life in different ways.
If there is something you desire to learn more about, let me know. I'll do my very best to support you.
With love and gratitude. Happy 2018!
Manu Henrard